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Email for Tuition Information Sheet

Payment Dates

Month Due Dates:

The first day of each month.

Term Due Dates:

At the beginning of each term.

Tuition Policies

Tuition prices are based on a 4 week month. Months consisting of 3 weeks (holiday) or 5 weeks are the same price.


Payment can be made in full, per term or per month. Term payment is to be made at the beginning of the term. Monthly payment is to be made by the 1st of the month. There will be a $25 late fee charged for tuition made after the 7th of the month.


Tuition may be paid by cash, cheque or online. Cash or cheques can be placed in the tuition box in the studio. Ensure that the envelope is labeled with the dancers name.


Returned cheques will be charged a fee of $40.

Tuition Policies

Radiance Dance Studio requires a minimum enrollment of 5 students per class, in most cases. Radiance Dance Studio reserves the right to cancel or combine classes that have insufficient enrollment after registration. Full refunds will be issued in these circumstances.

Make-Up Class

Should a student miss a class because of illness, school activity, family vacation, etc...a refund will not be issued. Students are allowed to take a make-up class in any type of class that is level appropriate within 4 weeks of the missed class.


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  • radiancedanceky
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